The Shawshank Redemption Themes
"It's friendship…friendship…just the perfect blendship…"All right, so maybe a show tune lyric isn't the best way to describe the relationship between Red and Andy. It's kinda true, though. Th...
Lies and Deceit
Often it's only the bad guys who get to partake of the whole "lies and deceit" business, but in this instance our hero has a secret or two up his own sleeve. Or carved into his Bible, or whatever.W...
Let's be honest. What are the chances that, in Andy's shoes, you would have had the patience and fortitude to do everything he was prepared to do in order to earn his freedom? Heck, you gave up on...
Dreams, Hopes and Plans
The filmmakers couldn't have made it any more obvious that this movie was about "hope" if they'd embroidered the word on the back of every one of the inmates' uniforms. It's mentioned numerous time...
WHAAA? In a prison full of hardened criminals and corrupt officers, a common theme is "sin?" We assume you're making your shocked face.In Shawshank, everybody is guilty of at least a little sinnin'...