Science Fiction Texts
Primary and Secondary Resources for all your Science Fiction Needs
Primary Resources

Gulliver goes off an adventure through strange islands in this sci-fi classic—one of the earliest ever written—by Swift.

The scientist Victor Frankenstein has no idea what he's gotten himself into when he brings a scary monster to life.

It's an apocalyptic tale about a plague that wipes out all of humanity. Except for one (not so) lucky guy.

In this early novel by Jules Verne we see the beginnings of sci-fi space travel.

This sequel to From the Earth to the Moon continues the story of three travellers' adventures to the Moon.

Get ready to hop on to the Nautilus for an amazing voyage under the ocean.

Ready to go thousands of years into the future? Jump into the Time Machine.

Doctor Moreau is up to all kinds of sketchy experiments on his island.

Watch out: the Martians are coming.

Everyone is born in a test tube in this futuristic dystopian novel.

Big Brother is watching us. Always.

Humans are off to colonize Mars in this classic by Ray Bradbury.

Uh-oh. The Galactic Empire is about to fall to pieces. But Hari Seldon knows how to save it.

If you think we know what a "fireman" is, you have another think coming. Fahrenheit 451 gives a whole new meaning to the word.

Can computers help us avert the end of the world? You'll have to read this story to find out.

It's one of the bestselling sci-fi novels of all time. And it's all about people fighting over a very lucrative drug that can keep them living on and on and on.

We may know Stanley Kubrick's film by the same title, but it's also a novel by Arthur C. Clark.

It's the tale of space pilgrims looking for the Shrike. What's the Shrike? You'll just have to read it to find out.

Humans are off to colonize Mars. We just love colonizing Mars, don't we?

In this Sci-fi novel, characters travel to the past, not the future. Hey, the past is interesting too.

Lord of the Flies. Set in the future.

Six interlinked stories set in the future and the past. It's sci-fi, and also so much more.
Secondary Resources

A very thorough introduction to Science Fiction as it developed in the 20th century.

Here we'll find critical analyses of major works of Science Fiction. We'll understand those works way better as a result.

Want to learn all about the relationship between Science Fiction and politics? Start here.

How does sci-fi relate to other genres like fantasy, romance and the thriller? Millner fills us in in this study of the genre.

In this book Freedman uses theory to help us understand Science Fiction better.