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Robinson Crusoe Foreignness and 'the Other' Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number). We used the 2008 Oxford World Classics edition.

Quote #10

But I needed none of all this Precaution; for never Man had a more faithful, loving, sincere Servant, than Friday was to me; without Passions, Sullenness or Designs, perfectly oblig'd and engag'd; his very Affections were ty'd to me, like those of a Child to a Father; and I dare say, he would have sacrific'd his Life for the saving mine, upon an y occasion whatsoever; the many Testimonies he gave me of this, put it out of doubt, and soon convinc'd me, that I needed to use no Precautions, as to my Safety on his Account. (176)

Friday is posited as Crusoe's child and servant, with no passions or designs of his own.

Quote #11

…I bade him go to the Tree, and bring me Word if he could see there plainly what they were doing; he did so, and came immediately back to me, and told me they might be plainly view'd there; that they were all about their Fire, eating the Flesh of one of their Prisoners; and that another lay bound upon the Sand, a little from them, which he said they would kill next, and which fir'd all the very Sould within me; he told me it was not one of their Nation; but one of the bearded Men, who had told me of that came to their Country in the Boat: I was fill'd with Horror at the very naming the white-bearded Man, and going to the Tree, I saw plainly by my Glass, a white Man who lay upon the Beach of the Sea, with his Hands and his Feet ty'd , with Flags, or Things like rushes; and that he was an European, and had Cloaths on. (196)

Crusoe is especially fired up by the fact that they are about to feast on one like him: a European. Why might this be?

Quote #12

But never was a Fight manag'd so hardily, and in such a surprising Manner, as that which follow'd between Friday and the Bear, which gave us all (thought at first we were surpriz'd and afraid for him) the greatest Diversion imaginable: (246)

Friday returns to Europe with Crusoe. Why? And why is he fighting a bear here? Why doesn't anyone else in the party take up with the bear? And why is it diverting to Crusoe?