
Maps are a Shmooper's best friend. This is an expandable version of the map Tolkien hand-drew for the publication of The Lord of the Rings in 1954, and we promise it will come in "handy."

A truly extensive fansite for Tolkien geeks like us; if you have any questions about the Silmarillion or The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, we bet you can find details here.

If Arda doesn't satisfy you, take a stab at this site—the Wikipedia of Middle-earth.

You had better join, if you're as big a J.R.R. fan as you say.
Movie or TV Productions

The thrilling climax of the The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, this is the one that won all of the awards—11 Oscars, to be exact.
Articles and Interviews

A famous review by the famous poet W.H. Auden.

Courtesy of the New York Times.

Need we say more?

Aragorn takes the throne. And sings a little ditty while he's at it.

Our man calls in an old favor.

... while Denethor chows down, rather revoltingly.

... scale Mount Doom, with great difficulty, we might add.

The Department of English at Washington University provides a series of enthusiastic, yet academic podcasts on iTunes on all things Tolkien.

Annie Lennox sings the official song from the movie at—you guessed it—the Oscars.

Is a happy guy.

Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) looks determined.