The Return of the Native Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

The expression of the place, the tone of the hour, were precisely those of many such occasions in days gone by; and these antecedent similarities fostered the illusion that she, who was there no longer, would come out to welcome him. (5.2.37)

This is a very poignant sentence about the power of the past and the pain of loss. The initial descriptions are all ones that could apply to a person as well, which suggests that Mrs. Yeobright is on Clym's mind even as he's supposedly thinking about place and time and events.

Quote #14

He frequently walked the heath alone, when the past seized upon him with its shadowy hand, and held him there to listen to its tale. His imagination would then people the spot with its ancient inhabitants. (6.1.10)

This description of Clym shows us a lonely wanderer who pretty much lives in the past, so it makes sense that he spends his time wandering the heath, which is strongly tied to the past.