The Return of the Native Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The reddleman decided to play the card of truth. "I was at the meeting by Rainbarrow last night and heard every word," he said. "The woman that stands between Wildeve and Thomasin is yourself." (1.10.40)

There is a running gambling motif in this novel – we have themes of fate, a very tense gambling scene, a lot of changing fortunes, and this interesting reference to a "card." Diggory is playing a game, in a sense, and he "plays" his last verbal card in this scene. It's notable that his last resort card is "truth," though.

Quote #5

"There, now I have been unwomanly, I suppose. When you have left me I am always angry with myself for things that I have said to you." (1.9.27)

Eustacia introduces an interesting idea here – the concept that people can cause others to say things they don't mean or don't want to say. Eustacia seems to lose her impulse control and her internal filter around others, especially Damon and Clym.

Quote #6

"You will never adhere to your education plan, I am quite sure; and then it will be all right for me; and so I promise to be yours for ever and ever." (3.4.61)

Eustacia's acceptance of Clym's proposal should have sent up red flags for him, but he apparently has selective hearing. This is actually a common problem for characters in this novel.