The Return of the Native Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

"What I know is that she didn't blame you at all. She blamed herself for what had happened, only herself. I had it from her own lips." (5.2.64)

Diggory here tries to absolve Clym of his guilt, but this probably made Clym feel worse. Guilt and blame in this novel often create feedback loops and people have a hard time escaping either emotion. Sheesh.

Quote #14

"No, they are not desperate. They are only hopeless; and my great regret is that for what I have done no man or law can punish me!" (5.9.67)

Clym introduces another connected theme in one of his final bits of dialogue – the idea of justice. Clym is basically saying that nothing will ever mitigate his guilt, or make it better. But his words are also a bit misleading. Clym might regret not being punished by others or the law, but in a way he's probably glad that he can just keep beating himself up. Like Eustacia's depression, Clym's guilt gets a bit addictive after awhile.