
Lots of good info about how the actual ride went down, plus a biography.

Information on Revere from PBS.

Some more detail about the first battles of the American Revolution, for all you history buffs.

The poem read by Bridget Rafferty. It's good to hear this read out loud, and to hear the choices she makes about what to emphasize.

This guy sounds a little like the ghost of Longfellow!

This will help you keep track of the geography in the poem. It also has some good photos of landmarks and drawings of the famous night.

This is the most famous picture of Revere, painted by the colonial American painter John Singleton Copley. Revere was a silversmith, which explains the teapot.

This is worth checking out. Someone has animated Longfellow's picture to make it look like he's reading the poem.

From some old TV series. Walken plays a white-wigged British soldier sent to arrest Revere. The acting isn't great, but Shmoop can't get enough of Walken.

A classic cartoon, if a little cheesy. Paul just has a small role here, since they cover the whole Revolutionary War.