Out of Africa Resources

Seen the movie and now want to read the book? Don't dive in without our awesome literary guide.

Karen Blixen or Isak Dinesen; whichever name she used, the woman was a genius. Here's her home page to tell you why.

We love us the Turner Classic Movies, and they have a page picked out all special for this movie.

Oh, Roger, is there any movie you can't wax eloquent on? Probably, but this ain't one of them.

Still don't think Karen Blixen is a big deal? Denmark does. They've got a whole museum dedicated just to her.

Kenya lays claim to the great author too, with a museum of their own to share.
Book or TV Adaptations

The movie was officially based on three books: the Dinesen work itself, and two biographies. Here's the Dinesen one.

Judith Thurman's biography was a big part of the script too.

Another biography, this one covering the fine Ms. Blixen and her lion-hunting paramour.
Articles and Interviews

The Academy's official page goes gaga for the film's jaw-droppingly beautiful landscapes.

In its usual breathless gossipy style, People magazine has the skinny on the film's production.

Renowned author Margaret Atwood—no slouch herself in the writing department—waxes super geeky over Isak Dinesen.

The famous critic from the New York Times has a long talk with Sydney Pollack about it all.

After his divorce from Karen left him broke, Bror became a legendary game hunter and safari guide with clients like the Prince of Wales and friends like Ernest Hemingway. He was considered by everyone to be the best in the business. He wrote an autobiography, too, and was the model for one of Ernest Hemingway's characters.

A historian points out where the movie added and subtracted from the true story of Karen Blixen in Africa.

Here's the official trailer for the movie.

Sydney Pollack spills all when it comes to the movie

The star speaks.

Pollack and others comment on the romance at the middle of the film.

More behind-the-scenes goodies, this one about Karen's school.

Also known as the giant money pit Karen's husband stuck her with.

One last interview, this one about the ending.

This is an image of the Danish 50 kroner bill that was printed from 1999-2009. That woman in the front? Isak Dinesen.

We love the poster for this one, and we're pretty sure you're gonna dig it too. Swoon.

Director and star behind the scenes in England.

Robert Redford and Meryl Streep get goofy between takes.

The stars chat behind the scenes.

Karen's home in Africa is now the Karen Blixen Museum.

The British newspaper The Telegraph describes Robert Redford as "smoldering" in this photo. Who are we to argue?

Here's (l-r) Bror, Denys, and Edward, Prince of Wales, on safari in 1928.

Here's Karen on safari. At least she's got an appropriate hat.