


Character Role Analysis


Frankly speaking, Bror isn't really an antagonist—just kind of a schmuck. The real antagonist is fate. Or destiny. Or whatever it is that keeps throwing this unholy tornado of Very Bad Things into Karen's face.

But considering that Bror's responsible for the whole coffee plantation nonsense followed by the I-almost-killed-you-when-I-gave-you-syphilis thing, he's as good a stand-in as we can find.

Of course, he's booted out the door before the second half arrives, so the climactic confrontation takes place with way more story to tell. Fictional stories fit the formula much more neatly, but when you're dealing with real life, you have to make concessions to their dramatic messiness.

We'll call Bror the antagonist, but we'll stick an asterisk next to him. And let's face it: he's still kind of likable.