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Our Town Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #1

Nobody very remarkable ever come out of it, s’far as we know (I.40).

The Stage Manager emphasizes the ordinary nature of Grover’s Corners. This sentence also shows that he’s not completely omniscient.

Quote #2

Only it seems to me that once in your life before you die you ought to see a country where they don’t talk in English and don’t even want to (I.192).

Mrs. Gibbs hopes to one day explore life outside of Grover’s Corners.

Quote #3

And let that be a lesson to you, George, never to ask advice on personal matters (II.152).

Mr. Webb suggests that each man’s life lessons pertain specifically to his personal experience. One must live life for oneself.