Norse Creation Myth Resources

Learn more about the culture behind the mythology.

The BBC also provides info on Vikings for kids.

Here's a good summary of the creation myth, adapted from Snorri Sturluson's account in the Prose Edda.

Timeless Myth's account of the Norse creation story provides hyperlinks to further information on many of the characters and places involved.

The Hurstwic Society, whose mission is to educate people about the Viking Age, provides an illustrated summary of the Norse creation myth.

The giant Ymir shows up as a villain in Thor, from Sega.

A YouTube video about the Norse creation myth that's really well narrated. Pictures accompany the story.

A continuation of the above video, this time focusing on the creation of day and sun, the sun and the moon.

Trailer for the Thor video game, in which Ymir is a villain.
Historical Documents

A prophetess gives her account of the creation of the Norse cosmos in this 13th-century poem from the anonymous Poetic Edda.

When Odin journeys to the home of a giant, the question-and-answer game he plays there reveals details about the creation of the Norse cosmos.

The first book of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, the Gylfaginning (Tricking of Gylfi), contains a question-and-answer game in which Gylfi's questions reveal the nature of the Norse cosmos.

A classic of mythical anthologies, with beautiful artwork.

Renowned young adult literature author Kevin Crossley-Holland tackles Norse mythology.
Images & Artwork (Copyrighted and Unsure)

Ymir as he appears in the Marvel Comics universe.