New Moon Resources

A valuable resource for any Twilight fan, this site includes information on the creation of New Moon as well as a helpful FAQ.

The site features character bios, mythology on Meyer’s vampires and werewolves, a timeline, locations, chapter summaries, movie details, and a community forum.

Visit this website for breaking news and events related to both the books and films, including movie trailers, discussion forums, and fan gear.

Check out this site to compare traditional notions of vampires and werewolves to Stephenie Meyer’s world. Also, read up on the connection between vampires and werewolves in cultural legends worldwide.

Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? Here’s your chance to make a fashion statement.
Movies or TV Productions


Access Hollywood reports on bidding war over a kiss from Robert Pattinson, the actor who plays Edward Cullen.

Children’s Choice Book Council awards Stephenie Meyer 2009 Author of the Year.

Here’s a review on New Moon.

Stephenie Meyer takes some of her books’ fans on a tour of the most important locations in New Moon, in Volterra, Italy.

Behind-the-scenes interviews with the different members of the cast, including highlights from New Moon.

Check out this fan-made trailer for New Moon that has garnered popularity among fans. Some even prefer it to the official trailer.

Stephenie talks about the inspiration behind Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, as well as the path that the novels had to take to reach bookstores everywhere.

Purchase and download the Audiobook from Random House Audio

Check out the official movie poster (and you can find thousands of other versions on the web).

Here's a photo of the woman behind Twilight, author Stephenie Meyer.