Naturalism Characteristics
MoreNaturalism Characteristics
Little Words, Big Ideas
More bigger, more better. The novel is the primary literary genre associated with Naturalism. Naturalist writers liked the novel so much because it gave them the space and the room to explore in gr...
Narrative Detachment
Keep those characters at arms' length, Naturalists. We all know that they're going to suffer horribly. The Naturalists were influenced by scientific thought in general, and Charles Darwin's theory...
People don't have much control over their fate in Naturalist fiction. Things happen to them, and no matter how hard they try to fight their circumstances, or overcome obstacles, they're often just�...
The glass is totally half empty, guys. If we're looking for happy endings, then we'd better be prepared for disappointment; we won't find many of those in Naturalist literature. What we will find i...
Social Environment
This goes way beyond stereotypes like "If you're from New York you're bitter and wear black" or "If you're from Seattle you totally love coffee, hiking, and being pretentious."The Naturalists were...
Oof. This poverty goes way beyond having to eat beans and rice for a while in order to save up for new boots. Poverty, Naturalism-style, is about having no boots, no beans, and no rice.Poverty is a...
As we've mentioned, the Naturalists were influenced by the theories of Charles Darwin. Chucky D's evolutionary theory revolved around the idea of the survival of the fittest: the strongest animals...
We're not talking about the Darwin Awards … although a lot of Naturalist heroes and heroines die in terrible ways.In 1859 Charles Darwin published a little book called On the Origin of Species. T...
Naturalism: keeping it real (and depressing) since 1859.Realism was the literary movement that preceded Naturalism, and out of which Naturalism grew like a Darwinian weed. Realist writers like Gust...