Mechanisms of Evolution Topics in Depth
The Origin of Species
Stop us if you've heard this one:There once was a man on the BeagleThis Darwin, studied finches and seagullsSpecies that he collectedHinted they were naturally selectedAn idea some thought quite il...
The Gene Pool
Ready For a Dip?It's time to break out your swim trunks and floaties, because we're going for a dip in the gene pool.Okay, so we can't really swim in a gene pool. Just pretend we can sit by its edg...
Teenage Mutation Ninja TurtlesMutations often get a bad rap, but who doesn't want to mutate from a sweet little pond turtle to a massive crime-fighting ninja reptile? Are mutations good or bad? Eh�...
Gene Flow and Genetic Drift
Just Goin' With the (Gene) FlowRemember Gilligan's Island? Probably not…and since we do, that probably makes us a fossil. But watch some TV Land or YouTube videos. When you're up to speed we'll c...
Sexual Selection
That's a Fine Pair of Genes You're WearingDon't judge a book by its cover. Everyone's heard that, right? Everyone but the peacocks, that is. Peacocks can be totally judgmental. After all, a junky p...
Natural Selection
Natural selection is determined by an organism's fitness. But by fitness, we don't mean winning a strong man competition. In fact, if natural selection depended on fighting for your life, humans wo...
It's Not You, It's Me.Ah, the classic break-up conversation. Species have been breaking it off with their ancestors for years. When a new species, or "kind" is formed from an existing species, its...
Common Mistakes
Charles Darwin and the Origin of the SpeciesRemember that a genotype represents an organism's genes, while a phenotype is a physical characteristic. Multiple genes can affect one phenoty...
Test Your Knowledge!
Charles Darwin and the Origin of the Species1. Which of the following affect natural selection? (A) Time(B) Environment(C) Geography(D) A and C(E) All of the above2. True or Fal...