Measure for Measure Resources
Movie or TV Productions

Director Bob Komar sets Measure for Measure in modern-day British army barracks.

This one is part of the BBC's Performance series. Director David Thacker's provocative adaptation places Measure for Measure in a modern-day police state where fornication and other so-called acts of sexual immorality are punishable crimes.

Directed by Desmond Davis as part of BBC's "The Complete Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare" series, this is the go-to TV production for traditionalists because it's pretty faithful to the text and easy to come by.
Historical Documents

Check out this facsimile of the 1623 edition's title page.

Read a facsimile of Shakespeare's main source for Measure for Measure, George Whetstone's Promos and Cassandra (1578).

Watch Isabella beg Angelo for her fornicating brother's life, compliments of YouTube.

Check out the RSC's hilarious performance/biography of William Shakespeare.

Check out the RSC's condensed interpretation of Shakespeare's comedies, including Measure for Measure.

William Holman Hunt's painting, "Claudio and Isabella," portrays a moment from Act 3, Scene 1.

Check out this image of Mariana by artist John Everett Millais (the guy responsible for the famous Ophelia painting).