Mansfield Park Resources

This website contains the text of the book online and also has some basic information on the novel. This page also talks about some of the poems featured in the book, as well as the featured play Lovers' Vows.

Extensive website for the 2007 Masterpiece Classic movie. The site has information on Jane Austen, the book's historical context, images from the movie, and resources and links for further study.

Website that has lots of information about Austen, her historical context, and all of her novels.
Movie or TV Productions

A TV miniseries production of Mansfield Park, presented by the BBC. Originally aired in the United Kingdom.

Movie version starring Frances O'Connor. Fanny has a lot more spunk in this film version than in the novel.

Part of Masterpiece Classic's Jane Austen series that aired on PBS in 2007. This movie stars Billie Piper of Doctor Who fame as Fanny.

A playlist containing clips from the 1983 and the 1999 movie versions of Mansfield Park.

One of the theatrical trailers previewing the 1999 movie version of Mansfield Park.

A clip from the 2007 production of Mansfield Park showing the characters discussing and performing Lovers' Vows.

Clip from the 2007 movie showing Fanny running around and acting a bit tom-boyish, contrary to how she is portrayed in the book.

Fun Salon article on Fanny Price, written by Carol Shields.

Full transcript of a round-table discussion about Jane Austen that aired on The News Hour with Jim Lehrer in 1996.

Check out some fun reviews of Mansfield Park that Austen collected from her family and friends. For example, Austen's mom "Thought Fanny insipid.—Enjoyed Mrs. Norris."

Image of one section of Portsmouth, where you can see a lot of the older buildings.

Image of the house where Austen wrote Mansfield Park.