Madame Bovary Resources

Movie or TV Productions

2001 TV Version (UK)

The most recent production of the novel.

1991 film (France)

This is probably the most popular version, starring the great French actress Isabelle Huppert.

1949 film (US)

Here’s a 1949 version, directed by Vincente Minelli (father of Liza).

1933 film (France)

This is the first Madame Bovary version to make it to the big screen!


1991 film trailer
This trailer has a fascinating chocolate commercial vibe to it…we love it.


Ah, Gustave!

A particularly charming cartoon of Flaubert.

Emma and Charles

An image from the 1991 film.

Emma and Admirers

An image from the classic 1949 film.


Madame Bovary online

Here’s the link to the e-text at the illustrious Project Gutenberg site.

Flaubert Bio

The lowdown on our friend Flaubert…