Love's Labour's Lost Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

No, to the death we will not move a foot,
Nor to their penned speech render we no grace,
But while 'tis spoke each turn away her face. (5.2.153-155)

The Princess has a strong understanding of the attractive power of playing coy.

Quote #8

Why, that contempt will kill the speaker's heart,
And quite divorce his memory from his part. (5.2.156-157)

Boyet takes the side of the men, urging the women not to be too harsh.

Quote #9

Once to behold with your sun-beamèd eyes—
With your sun-beamèd eyes—

They will not answer to that epithet.
You were best call it 'daughter-beamèd eyes.' (5.2.176-179)

Mindful of how pro-sister, anti-man the women are at the moment, Boyet jokes on this subject.