Love's Labour's Lost Literature and Writing Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

I will prove those verses to be very unlearned,
neither savoring of poetry, wit, nor invention.
I beseech your society. (4.2.183-185)

Holofernes will critique Berowne's letter in depth. These two have in common that they can't stand any writing but their own.

Quote #5

By heaven, I do love, and it hath taught me to
rhyme, and to be melancholy. And here is part of my
rhyme, and here my melancholy. (4.3.12-14)

Just a few lines earlier, Berowne was calling to be hanged if he loves. But here he accepts his love and begins to understand emotionally his own argument in the first scene – that love can bring knowledge, too.

Quote #6

I fear these stubborn lines lack power to move.
  [Reads.]  O sweet Maria, empress of my love—
These numbers will I tear, and write in prose. (4.3.53-55)

Longaville suffers a writer's insecurity and thinks he should give up on this poetry stuff. By "numbers" he means the meter in his poem.