Love in the Time of Cholera Themes
You know what love is like? Love is a lot like a disease. Or a battle. Or death. OK, we're not being fair – that's only what love is like sometimes, at least in this novel...
Unlike most novels where characters, if they die, die at the end of the book, Love in the Time of Cholera features two deaths in the first half of the first chapter. From the very beginning,...
In Love in the Time of Cholera, Florentino's undying devotion to his first girlfriend might seem a little crazy. In fact, you might call it an obsession. Somehow, it works for him. ...
This might go against some of the assumptions we have about marriage, but according to García Márquez in Love in the Time of Cholera, marriage isn't always a relationship based on love. Lov...
Old Age
One significant aspect of this supposed "romance" is that the characters age. In fact, a good portion of the plot of Love in the Time of Cholera takes place while the characters are in their...
Obviously, sex is going to be a big deal in a novel whose central character is a sex-driven maniac. Yeah, we know, we all feel like sex-driven maniacs sometimes. Trust us, though, Florentino Ariz...
Literature and Writing
Most of the writing that we come across in Love in the Time of Cholera is in the form of love letters, but interestingly enough we never read a single excerpt from one of those letters. No matter �...