Jacques Lacan's Social Media
Shmoop eavesdrops on your favorite critic's online convos.

Anyone wanna go the Cineplex today? See something like In the Name of the Father or Father of the Bride, The Courtship of Eddie's Father, The Godfather, or maybe even Daddy Day Care? I'm open.

Well, I actually wanted a matinee. I have four sessions, too, but I plan to finish them up in 45 minutes. Just tear it up.
Wow, uh. It's just hard for my patients to get everything out in ten minutes. They feel a lot of feels.

Yes—that's the point of the variable-length session—better to conclude too soon than to have them drone on and fill the air with empty words. Snooze.

Gonna have to jump in here and say dude's got a point. That Wolf Man case of mine really worked out for the better because I didn't let the guy become a conversational terrorist. I just start doodling and getting hungry when my patients go on for too long.
Dad—and Dr. Lacan—please stop. Ugh, you're the wrongest.

Well, Wolfie really made some progress because even though I worked with him for, like 25 years, he wasn't ready to conclude his sessions until he was 25 and I didn't rush him or make him fit into some pre-set length for an analysis session.
Look, I'm down with minor modifications, but if the analyst gets to randomly decide when the session ends rather than having a set fifty minutes, won't your analysand wonder why the session ended at that particular time? Was it because they said something vital, or because they said nothing at all? Or is it just time for your pilates class?

If I want to have a session last one second, so be it. It may be a scandal to the psychoanalytic establishment, but I can live with that. Y'all don't need to get so psychotic about it. Gonna go see a matinee of Liar, Liar by myself.

Am having a little feminist get-together at my place on Saturday. All are welcome. Pinkie promise that we don't have to talk about female masochism or penis envy.

In that case, I'm there. Love how the mirror stage feeds into my ideas about female development.
Count me in.
Am hoping we can discuss "the gaze."
You know I'm a fan but I am having mixed feelings. Look, you still rely on the paternal metaphor (like Freud) and you pay no attention to mothers and the pre-oedipal stage. I'm just not convinced that you are a friend to the feminists, what with all your phallus glorifying. That's definitely not my thing.

Okay, Mel, could you be convinced to come if I promise not to exalt the phallus? Plus I was going to bar-be-cue some hotdogs. Yum!
I might be convinced. What time were you thinking? I have four sessions this afternoon, but could go around, say, 5?