Kronos (Saturn)'s Conversations

Shuffleboard tournament on the Elysian Islands tonight!

Wishing Rhea would forgive me and come down to the Elysians tonight.
You ate my babies, you weirdo.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

How could you lock the Cyclopes and the Hekatonkheires down into Tartarus? They're your brothers. And you'd just castrated your father for the same thing…
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I don't know why Hades doesn't come over to the Elysians to visit his dear old Dad. We live in the same time zone now and everything.

I know you were at Theseus's beach party yesterday. I know it! And you didn't come by to see me.

You Olympians are the whiniest gods I've ever seen. In my day, we didn't have time to be depressed.
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I hate all of you! You are the worst children ever. How could you rebel against your own father? How could you steal my throne? I want to… eat you. Eat you! Again. If only I'd won the War of the Titans, you'd still be in my belly where you belong!

Dad, what have we said about this kind of talk? We wouldn't want to go back to that bottomless black pit, now would we?

What? I was just joking. Love you guys! Come by my beach house whenever you want. Bring the kids. ☺
Glad you're enjoying retirement, Dad.