Ivanhoe Resources
Sir Walter Scott Websites

Given Scott's strong association with Edinburgh, it makes sense that Edinburgh University Library holds many of his manuscripts and papers. This digital collection is really worth a look. One of the fun parts is that you can look up each of his works and find out more about his writing process and the critical reception of the piece.

VictorianWeb is an incredible collection of articles and documents on 19th century British literature and culture. Not only is the whole collection really terrific, but they also have some great stuff on Scott in particular.

Some of us here at Shmoop have been lucky enough to go to this monument, and it is <em>so cool</em>. It’s the largest monument dedicated to a writer in the world, and it dominates the Edinburgh skyline (if you ignore the large castle not that far from it). Awesome.

If you visit the Scott Monument in Edinburgh and decide you still need more Scott, his lovely house is also still around.

A helpful introduction to Scott's life and times.

A complete, searchable e-text of the novel from Project Gutenberg.

A super-useful directory of online texts for Scott’s many, many novels
Historical Context

An article from the BBC's British History site about the real rivalry between King Richard I and his younger brother.

Need to brush up on your history of the Normans in England? This BBC History site is the place to go. It covers topics from 1066 to 1154.

This BBC History section features info on the Middle ages, from 1154-1485.

King Richard's biography of the official website of the English monarchy.

Since he became king after his brother Richard died, we suppose we should say <em>King</em> John. Here's his bio.

History.com offers a brief summary of the Crusades. Richard I was a big figure in the Third Crusade.

A podcast from BBC Radio 4 all about the Third Crusade. Scholars discuss all sorts of topics, including Richard the Lionheart.

A brief history of the Knights Templar from History.com.

The BBC discusses the fact and fiction behind the Robin Hood legends.

A three-minute video about whether Robin Hood is fact or fiction.
Movie or TV Productions

The alternate official title of this silent film version proves that Rebecca is the most compelling character of the novel for many people.

Probably the most famous production of <em>Ivanhoe</em>, this one features a young Elizabeth Taylor (RIP) as Rebecca.

TV miniseries. Probably the biggest claim to fame for this one is that the guy who went on to play Gimli in Peter Jackson’s <em>Lord of the Rings </em>series plays Front-de-Boeuf.

An hour-long animated version of <em>Ivanhoe</em>. This one sounds pretty embarrassing...

Another TV miniseries – this one with pretty good reviews on IMDb. We haven't seen it, though.

Coming soon to a theater near you (supposedly). Apparently there is a new <em>Ivanhoe </em>in development, but last we checked there was no director or cast is attached to the project, so who knows if it’ll actually happen. Fingers crossed, though.

Lots of awesome jousting, even in the preview.

The beginning of the 1997 TV miniseries, which features as Lucas Beaumanoir the fabulous Christopher Lee<em> – </em>a.k.a. Saruman if you’re an <em>LotR </em>fan and Count Dooku from the <em>Star Wars </em>prequel.

The beginning of the 80s TV series.

Watch the full Elizabeth Taylor movie.

A Robin Hood parody from our good friends at Monty Python

A free audio book of <em>Ivanhoe</em>, brought to you by LibriVox.

Ivanhoe looking jolly and kind of stupid.

Elizabeth Taylor looks stunning as Rebecca.

Scott looking serious and rather mournful.