Island of the Blue Dolphins Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Often I would put on the skirt and the sandals and walk along the cliff with Rontu. Sometimes I made a wreath of flowers and fastened it in my hair. After the Aleuts had killed our men at Coral Cove, all the women of our tribe had singed their hair short as a sign of mourning. I had singed mine, too, with a f*****, but now it had grown long again and came to my waist. (18.10)

What's the importance of hair to the women of the tribe? Why do they burn it off as a sign of mourning?

Quote #8

She touched the necklace, giving the word for it, and I gave mine. We pointed out other things – the spring, the cave, a gull flying, the sun and the sky, Rontu asleep – trading the names for them and laughing because they were so different. We sat there on the rock until the sun was in the west and played this game. Then Tutok rose and made a gesture of farewell. (22.10)

Why do Karana and Tutok make friends? Do you think they would've made friends if Tutok were a boy? Why or why not? How are the two similar?

Quote #9

Then I did something that made me smile at myself. I did what my older sister Ulape had done when she left the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Below the mark of our tribe I carefully made the sign which meant that I was still unmarried. I was no longer a girl, yet I made it anyway, using the blue clay and some white clay for the dots. (29.5)

Why does Karana put the blue mark of an unmarried woman on her face before she meets the white men?