Island of the Blue Dolphins Foreignness and 'the Other' Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The white men's ship did not return that spring or in the summer. But every day, whether I was on the headland or gathering shellfish on the rocks or working on my canoe, I watched for it. I also watched for the red ship of the Aleuts. (16.1)

What's the difference between the white men and the Aleuts?

Quote #5

She was graceful and the skirt flowed around her like water, but I hated the Aleuts and took it from her.

"Wintscha," she said.

I had not heard words spoken for so long that they sounded strange to me, yet they were good to hear, even though it was an enemy who spoke them. (21.31-32)

Karana is scared of the girl and holds a grudge against her since it was her people who killed Karana's father. How does she get over these feelings and become friends with the girl?

Quote #6

She touched the necklace, giving the word for it, and I gave mine. We pointed out other things – the spring, the cave, a gull flying, the sun and the sky, Rontu asleep – trading the names for them and laughing because they were so different. We sat there on the rock until the sun was in the west and played this game. Then Tutok rose and made a gesture of farewell. (22.10)

Karana and the Aleut girl become friends by learning each other's language. This totally disproves Karana's father's opinion that the Aleuts don't understand friendship.