Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Resources

Get your Harriet Jacobs fix with the entire text of Incidents, in your choice of plain text or page images.

John Jacobs’s narrative, The Leisure Hour.

North Carolina was plenty involved in the slave trade.
Historical Documents

An early positive review of Incidents, in the black publication The Liberator: it "shine[s] by the lustre of [its] own truthfulness."

This is a remarkably detailed advertisement submitted by James Norcom (Dr. Flint in the novel) for the capture of Harriet Jacobs after she went into hiding.

Here's an entire website with a searchable database of U.S. runaway slave ads.

Lydia R. Diamond turned Jacobs's story into a play. Here, actors discuss.

Turns out she's a really nice-looking lady. No wonder she had so many friends.

On second thought, please stay dead. James Norcom, Harriet Jacobs’s slaveowner, died in 1847. He was 69 years old, and he looks as creepy as she said.

Child was a famous abolitionist writer. She gave her support to Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl—and most people originally thought she wrote it.

How ironic that Harriet Jacobs is now Edenton, NC's most famous resident.