
This is someone we'd like to sit and have a cup of coffee with.

Check out the poem and you just might find out.

We know this guy talks funny, so check out one of Maya's favorite poems in "real" English.
Movie or TV Productions

Yeah we know, the book was better. No contest.

The name of the article is "Oprah Talks to Maya Angelou." It really doesn't get much better than that. All other interviews just pale in comparison.

Maya Rudolph and SNL take on Maya Angelou. It's a labor of love.

Watch as Angelou reads at President Clinton's inauguration. Big deal alert.

Alice Walker and students at Emory University join together in "Lift Every Voice and Sing."

Lucky us: Maya Angelou reads her acclaimed work on the audiobook. We can't imagine it any other way.

Angelou reads a letter she wrote to her fifteen-year-old self. She probably could have used that at the time.

Remember all the songs that were sung at the revival? Here, the great Aretha Franklin gets down while singing "Precious Lord, Take My Hand," one of Dr. Martin Luther King's favorite songs.

What a lady.

Not many people can say they've gotten a kiss from the President.

Here's Kay Francis, the white Vivian Baxter—or so say Bailey Jr. and Maya.

There are so many editions of Caged Bird, but this is the one in Shmoop's library.