Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.
Appearances Quotes
[…] we shall not attempt to give the reader any idea of that tetrahedron nose, of that horseshoe mouth, of that little left eye, obscured by a bristly red eyebrow, while the right was completely...
Love Quotes
It was the first gratification of self-love that he had ever experienced. Until then he had encountered nothing but humiliation, contempt for his condition, and disgust for his person. (II.III.23)
Fate and Free Will Quotes
"It is Fate!—Alas, Claude! You are the spider. Claude, you are the fly too! You did seek science, the light, the sunshine; you only wanted to reach the open air, the broad daylight of eternal tru...
Suffering Quotes
We must nevertheless do him justice: malice was probably not innate in him. From his earliest interactions with men he had felt, and afterward he had seen himself, despised, rejected, cast off. Hum...
Lust Quotes
He kept his eyes intently fixed on the Bohemian, and while the lively girl of sixteen danced and whirled to everyone else's delight, his reverie seemed to become more and more gloomy. At times a sm...
Time Quotes
The man who wrote this word on the wall disappeared many centuries ago, the word in its turn has disappeared from the wall of the church, the church itself will perhaps soon disappear from the face...
Justice Quotes
Now we have noted that judges in general arrange matters so that the days when they have to perform their judicial functions are their days of ill humor, so that they may be sure to have somebody o...
The Supernatural Quotes
"Miracles, upon my soul!" rejoined Gringoire. "Here the blind see, and the lame run." (II.VI.25)