
This neat website has the original text of Huck Finn, and a bunch of illustrations and advertisements.

Don't like clicking? Here's the entire text in one flowing (and searchable!) page.

The original Huck Finn came with a lot of illustrations. Check them all out here.

A 1993, Disney-fied version. We're betting they leave out the n-word.
Movie or TV Productions

Huck Finn: The Musical. In 1974.

Check out your favorite director in a (very) early role, from 1975. Oh, it has Merle Haggard, too.

Listen to some smart people debate a sanitized version.

Here's a preview for the 1993 Disney version. It looks cute and all, but did they even read the same book we did?

1939 does 1884. It's racist match made in… well, we'd rather not say.

… and listen to the Librivox audiobook. We'll start you off with Part 1.

Nick Cave, the weirdest songwriter of the 1980s (and that's saying a lot) writes an ode to Huck Finn. Warning: contains the n-word. But, then, so does the novel.

Someone needs to tell Twain about Movember.

... and so did the Mississippi. These ships were super important to early America. Check out this (slightly later) picture.

Is this what you thought he looked like, dead rabbit and all?

The New York Times takes on the whitewashing of a classic.

Apparently, Mark Twain was our first superstar—at least, according to this Time Magazine article.