The House of the Scorpion Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Vampire! thought Matt. El Patrón would have enjoyed that description. He loved to inspire fear. (27.139)

Having the power to inspire fear is what El Patrón thrives on, because it gives him control. If people didn't fear him, they wouldn't play by his rules.

Quote #8

"Some boys," Jorge said in a thin, almost wheedling voice that sent chills down Matt's back, "some boys have to learn the hard way. They have to be broken and mended and broken again until they learn to do what they're told." (30.64)

Well gee, Jorge, that's not creepy at all.  The threats he makes are scary enough, but what's really frightening is the detail we get about Jorge's tone of voice.

Quote #9

"Power's a strange thing, lad. It's a drug and people like me crave it. It wasn't till I met Celia that I saw what a monster I'd become. I was too happy, swaggering around in El Patrón's shadow. (24.25)

Tam Lin needs to release a book of quotations and words of wisdom. He sums up everything perfectly! Plus, though we never really learn the extent of Celia and Tam Lin's relationship, the detail we get about her here points to just how close the two have become.