The House of the Scorpion Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Tam Lin says rabbits give up when they're caught by coyotes," Matt said after he'd calmed enough to trust his voice. "He says they consent to die because they're animals and can't understand hope. But humans are different. They fight against death no matter how bad things seem." (33.47)

Well in that case, Matt is definitely human, because he totally has hope. And he perseveres through all kinds of life-threatening situations. Our Matt has some serious staying power.

Quote #5

But never, never, never had anyone dreamed of throwing a party for Death! (35.40)

The Day of the Dead. Okay, we'll be honest and say that sounds a little depressing, but it's really a celebration. And how refreshing for Matt to meet people who honor death, rather than fear it. That must have come as quite a strange surprise.

Quote #6

Before the next minute had passed, they had all fallen to the ground. Just like that. As though someone had reached inside and turned off a switch.

"What happened?" Matt asked, gasping.

I went from one person to the next, trying to wake them up, but they were all dead, wrote Daft Donald. (38.18-20)

For a man who hates death, El Patrón sure is surrounded by it. Even from the grave he murders his entire family. It's almost as if he thinks if he dies, everyone else must, too.