
There's a public service group out there that seeks to emulate the best of Teddy Roosevelt's policies in the modern day and keep interest in the man alive.

Here's a collection of articles written by the best of those considered muckrakers in their heyday.
Movie or TV Productions

It doesn't really have anything about his politics in here, but hey: Robin Williams as Teddy Roosevelt is probably the best casting anyone could ask for.

A brief history of the man himself, Teddy Roosevelt. With stick figures!

Author and internet personality John Green breaks down the Progressive Era, kicking things off with—who else—Teddy Roosevelt.

As part of his campaign in 1912, he released a series of campaign speeches on the hip new Edison Wax Cylinder. If you've ever wondered what he actually sounded like, look no further.

If you wanted to know what people thought of when they heard Muckraker before they thought of a guy with a typewriter, check out this illustration based on Pilgrim's Progress.