
They own two of the four surviving copies of the original Magna Carta, so it makes sense that they would have some pretty great stuff to say about it.

Lots of information about the Magna Carta…gathered and blogged about by Magna Carta nerds.

Find out what Americans have to say about the Magna Carta. Hint: it's inspirational.
Movie or TV Productions

A 2011 drama about a group of knights fighting to defend Rochester Castle, which begins with the signing of the Magna Carta. King John is played by Paul Giamatti leading a mostly A-list cast of celebrities who have all made better (or at least better attended) movies.
Articles and Interviews

King John never could have guessed that 800 years after he was forced to stamp a piece of parchment, it would be happily celebrated with the current leaders of the British government, royal family, and Archbishop of Canterbury.

Really cute animated video about the Magna Carta that includes a surprising amount of detail and information. And King John has never looked so adorable.

Set to the tune of I Would Walk 500 Miles. It's horrible (but historically accurate) and it'll probably get stuck in your head.

They're a bit faded and the seals have mostly disintegrated, but original copies of the Magna Carta do exist and this is one of them.

There aren't many actual surviving pictures of King John, so when you're reading about how terrible he was you're probably going to have to use your imagination. One representation that we do have is his face on coins.

In the few drawings of John that still exist he looks young and worried, like a naughty kid in a comic.