The Hero with a Thousand Faces Resources

Campbell's website… or at least the website of the people looking after his legacy.

A biography of Campbell from good ol'

Need a copy of the book itself? We got you covered.
Movie or TV Productions

There are no actual productions of The Hero with a Thousand Faces out there—it would be impossible—but most of our beloved movies follow the pattern pretty closely. We're going to list some of the most prominent ones here…starting with this one.

George Lucas knew his Campbell, and he applied the Hero's Journey to that other iconic film series he created.

Author J.K. Rowling is no dummy, so she put a lot of Campbell into her Hero's Journey too.

There's no magic in The Hunger Games – it's straight science fiction – but it uses notions of fame and the media the same way Campbell's book uses monsters.

They don't get more Campbell-y than this one, courtesy of J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

The DC universe hasn't been quite as successful as Marvel lately. But yeah…they have some skin in this game too.

We'll stop with the movies with maybe the most beloved version of the Hero's Journey ever.
Articles and Interviews

Here's a handy breakdown of Star Wars and The Matrix in Campbellian terms.

Campbell's Number One fan finally gets to meet him.

More on how Lucas pulled from Campbell to give us that galaxy far, far away.

Here's a great piece on The Hero with a Thousand Faces explaining a seemingly mundane trip to see a band in New York.

Time Magazine listed the book as one of the hundred most influential of all time.

Campbell sat down with Journalist Bill Moyers for a very famous PBS documentary about his work. Here's a selection from it, courtesy of Moyers' website.

If you're interested in seeing Moyers and Campbell get their myth on, the whole thing is available on DVD.

Big Joe lays down the 411 on growing up.

Big Joe laying it down as a younger man.

Another handy guide to the Hero's Journey, with help from someone we know.