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Sources we cite in Herman Melville

1 Herman Melville, "Moby-Dick," http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=Mel2Mob.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=1&division=div1, Accessed 25 July 2009.
2 "Herman Melville," New York Times, 2 October 1891, http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9506E0D6153AE533A25751C0A9669D94609ED7CF, Accessed 27 July 2009.
3 "Herman Melville," New York Times, 2 October 1891, http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9506E0D6153AE533A25751C0A9669D94609ED7CF, Accessed 27 July 2009.
4 "Herman Melville," New York Times, 2 October 1891, http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9506E0D6153AE533A25751C0A9669D94609ED7CF, Accessed 27 July 2009.
5 "Herman Melville and Arrowhead," Berkshire Historical Society, http://www.mobydick.org/hm.html, Accessed 29 July 2009.
6 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009.
7 Herman Melville, "LETTER TO NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, JUNE [1?] 1851," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/letter3.htm, Accessed 28 July 2009.
8 "Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmomoo.htm#Contemporary, Accessed 28 July 2009.
9 "Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmomoo.htm#Contemporary, Accessed 28 July 2009.
10 Andreas Teuber, "Herman Melville," Andreas Teuber's Home Page, Brandeis University, http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/melvillebio.html#MainEssaySection, Accessed 28 July 2009.
11 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009.
12 Arthur Stedman, "Introduction to the Edition of 1892," Typee, http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfile?fk_files=1047998&pageno=7, Accessed 28 July 2009.
13 "Moby-Dick: Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmmoby.htm, Accessed 29 July 2009.
14 "Moby-Dick: Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmmoby.htm, Accessed 29 July 2009.
15 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009.
16 "Moby-Dick: Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmmoby.htm, Accessed 29 July 2009.
17 Herman Melville, "LETTER TO NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, JUNE [1?] 1851," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/letter3.htm, Accessed 28 July 2009.
18 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009
19 Herman Melville, "LETTER TO SOPHIA HAWTHORNE, JANUARY 8 1852," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/letter8.htm, Accessed 28 July 2009.
20 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009.
21 "Clarel: Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmclarel.htm#Contemporary, Accessed 28 July 2009.
22 Edward Bok, New York Publishers' Weekly, November 15 1890, "Herman Melville's Obituary Notices," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmobit.htm, Accessed 28 July 2009.
23 Andreas Teuber, "Herman Melville," Andreas Teuber's Home Page, Brandeis University, http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/melvillebio.html#MainEssaySection, Accessed 28 July 2009.
24 Alfred Kazin, "A Genius of Dark Necessity," New York Times, 21 September 1980, http://select.nytimes.com/mem/archive/pdf?res=FA0611FC3B5413718DDDA80A94D1405B8084F1D3, Accessed 20 July 2009.
25 "Moby-Dick: The Marathon," New Bedford Whaling Museum, http://www.whalingmuseum.org/prog/marathon.html, Accessed 28 July 2009.
26 Newton Arvin, "Those Close to Melville," New York Times, 8 November 1953, http://select.nytimes.com/mem/archive/pdf?res=F40A1FFA3B5A117A93CAA9178AD95F478585F9, Accessed 27 July 2009.
27 "Herman Melville's Works," New York Times, 5 October 1901, http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9E04E6DD1E39E733A25756C0A9669D946097D6CF, Accessed 27 July 2009.
28 "Starbucks vs. Starpreya," WordLab, http://www.wordlab.com/2006/10/starbucks-v-starpreya.cfm, Accessed 27 July 2009.
29 Herman Melville, "Melville's Very Negative Review of The Romance of Yachting," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/yachting.htm, Accessed 28 July 2009.
30 Herman Melville, "Moby-Dick," http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=Mel2Mob.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=1&division=div1, Accessed 25 July 2009.
31 Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=Mel2Mob.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=41&division=div1, Accessed 25 July 2009.
32 Herman Melville, "Bartleby, the Scrivener," http://www.bartleby.com/129/, Accessed 30 July 2009.
33 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009.
34 "Clarel: Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmclarel.htm#Contemporary, Accessed 28 July 2009.
35 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009.
36 "Concerning Herman Melville," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/others.htm, Accessed 24 July 2009.
37 Herman Melville, Typee, http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfile?fk_files=1047998&pageno=13, Accessed 28 July 2009.
38 Andreas Teuber, "Herman Melville," Andreas Teuber's Home Page, Brandeis University, http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/melvillebio.html#MainEssaySection, Accessed 28 July 2009.
39 Herman Melville, "LETTER TO NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, JUNE [1?] 1851," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/letter3.htm, Accessed 28 July 2009.
40 "Contemporary Criticism and Reviews," The Life and Works of Herman Melville, http://www.melville.org/hmpierre.htm#Contemporary, Accessed 25 July 2009.
41 Richard D. Brodhead, "'Herman Melville': All in the Family," New York Times, 23 June 2002, http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/23/books/review/23BRODHET.html?scp=16&sq=herman%20melville&st=cse&pagewanted=1, Accessed 27 June 2009.
42 Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, http://www.online-literature.com/melville/mobydick/2/, Accessed 27 July 2009.