Heracles (Hercules): Birth and Early Adventures Resources

This great site on Hercules, brought to you by Tufts University, offers lots of great info on Herc, including maps, details on the ladies in his life, and much more.

A great source for all things ancient Greek. We're linking to the page on Heracles.

Hercules: the original super hero
Movie and TV Productions

Kevin Sorbo was the man in this popular series about Hercules' adventures.

When Heracles got Disnified... In this movie, Hera isn't the bad guy (she's actually Hercules' mom), Hades is. In other words, this movie isn't faithful to the original myth, but it's still fun.

As if a movie wasn't enough, Disney also made a TV series about Herc.
Video Games

A game for the Nintendo DS.

Heracles gets a whipping from Kratos, Mr. God of War, in this video game.
Historical Documents

An ancient source of the tale of Heracles.

Another old-school source for all things Heracles.

Watch the trailer for the 1997 animated Disney movie.

The History Channel digs into the history of the real man behind the myth. This might be bogus – we're just not sure – but it sure is interesting.

Marvel Comics gives the hero of heroes his very own series.
Images & Artwork (Public Domain)

This would be scary if the baby weren't Heracles.

Who knew the Milky Way was created by a breastfeeding mishap?

Take that, Hydra!