Reading Quizzes
Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching Henry IV Part 1Teacher Pass
Teaching Henry IV Part 1Teacher Pass includes:
- Assignments & Activities
- Reading Quizzes
- Current Events & Pop Culture articles
- Discussion & Essay Questions
- Challenges & Opportunities
- Related Readings in Literature & History
Sample of Reading Quizzes
Act 1, Scene 1
1. Whom does King Henry want to kick out of the Holy Land?2. Whom has been taken captive by the Welsh leader, Owen Glendower?
3. What did the Welshman do to the corpses of the slaughtered English soldiers?
4. Who is the embodiment of honour?
5. Whom does King Henry wish fairies had switched at birth?
1. He wants to get rid of pagans.2. The Earl of March, Edmund Mortimer, has been captured.
3. They mutilated their genitals.
4. Hotspur embodies honour.
5. He wishes that Hotspur and Prince Hal had been switched.