Hecate (Trivia)'s Conversations

Spring is here! Looking forward to escorting Persephone back to Olympus to see her dear mom.

I miss you so much, my little flower. Hecate, you're proof that there really are good witches.

She's the best, Mom. We hang out all the time and play Wii tennis and all kinds of cool stuff.

AND she's always there to comfort me any time that nasty disgusting revolting husband of mine gets me down.

I'm thinking about casting a spell on J.K. Rowling, which will cause her to write seven more Harry Potter books.
Sorry, everybody. A girl has to move on.

I think everyone should try having a polecat as a pet.

"A European mammal, Mustela putorius, of the weasel family, having a blackish fur and ejecting a fetid fluid when attacked or disturbed." Obviously.

Whatevs, I don't see why anybody would want to keep something around that ejects "fetid fluid."
I can't wait!