Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Resources

The Internet Movie Database has all the details you need about cast, crew and production…and loads of photos to boot.

Here's the assembled collection of critics' wisdom on the film, which sits at a very respectable 80%.

The real King's Cross Station actually has a Platform 9 ¾ set up, complete with a sign, a half-buried train, and a gift shop where you can pick up all things Harry.

The late Roger Ebert wasn't a huge fan of Chris Columbus's work, but he loved this one…a fact that Columbus himself seems very proud of in his commentary on the film's Blu-ray.

If you want the skinny on how much money the movie made, it's over at Box Office Mojo.

Where better to hear more about Harry than from his creator?

A very, very, very popular Harry Potter website.

Another very popular Harry Potter website.

Here's Scholastic's official website on the book.
Book or TV Adaptations

Hey, did you know that this was a book before it was a movie? Okay, you probably did.

As we sincerely hope you're aware of, the Harry Potter saga encompassed eight films in total, starting with this one and finishing with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 in 2011. Another trilogy set in the Potterverse—Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them—began in 2016. The Harry Potter wiki has the skinny.
Articles and Interviews

The folks who put this film together ruminate on participating in the franchise.

All the interviews you need, courtesy of the Leaky Cauldron fansite.

Yeah, we're not going there. But The Atlantic did. Take a read.

J.K. Rowling speaks to Scholastic about the books.

The teaser, or Trailer #1, can be found here

Here's the official trailer for the film, courtesy of Movieclips.

Movieclips provides official clips from the film itself, and picked out a snazzy quintet of them in case you need to whet your appetite a bit.

Harry himself sits down for the camera way back in the early days.

Daniel Radcliffe speaks to David Letterman on the eve of the film's release.

Here's a shot of the first screen test featuring our three heroes.

Rowling and Radcliffe—the two mighty R's of Harry's world—sit down for a talk after the dust has settled.

Harry Potter fan films are thick on the ground here in Internet-land, but we gotta admit: this one is far and away our favorite.

Here's the original poster for the film, with artwork by legendary artist Drew Struzen.

A snazzy cover to one of the many, many, many DVD and Blu-ray versions of the film.

The cover to the game (of the film of the novel).

J.K. Rowling poses with the three young stars at the movie's premiere.

A publicity shot of our three heroes ready for action.