How It All Goes Down
The Dream
- Harry tells Ron and Hermione about the attack on Viktor and the disappearance of Mr. Crouch.
- He concludes: "I've told you [...] He said [Voldemort's] getting stronger" (29.14).
- Harry goes to send all of this information to Sirius.
- He, Ron, and Hermione bump into Fred and George in the Owlery.
- Fred and George are arguing over whether they should blackmail someone.
- But they still won't tell Ron what's going on.
- Ron is worried that Fred and George will get in trouble with the law. After all, "they don't exactly mind breaking rules, do they?" (29.59).
- Harry, Hermione, and Ron see Professor Moody.
- Professor Moody has found no sign of Mr. Crouch.
- Professor Moody reminds Harry, "Constant vigilance" (29.90).
- He also tells Ron and Hermione to "stick close to Potter, all right?" (29.91).
- Sirius's letter is stern: "Your name didn't get into the Goblet of Fire by accident. If someone's trying to attack you, they're on their last chance" (29.92).
- Sirius suggests that Ron and Hermione help Harry learn some more hexes for the third task.
- So Harry stays inside and practices spells.
- One day in Divination, Harry begins to drift off.
- Suddenly, he sees a vision of Voldemort plotting with Wormtail.
- Voldemort casts the Cruciatus Curse on Wormtail for blundering.

(Click the infographic to download.)
- Harry wakes up screaming as his scar sears with pain. (Yes, still in the middle of class.)
- Harry leaves class feeling embarrassed and frightened.
- He goes to Professor Dumbledore's office.
- Harry overhears Professors Dumbledore and Moody talking to Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic.
- Fudge refuses to admit that there's any evidence that Voldemort is trying to rise again.
- Fudge is desperate enough to accuse Madame Maxine.
- Moody suggests that they wrap up: "it's just that Potter wants a word with you, Dumbledore. He's just outside the door" (29.160).