
Back to the source: here's the 12th century account of Amleth, Prince of Denmark.

And possibly more. The BBC has a slew of Shakespeare resources.

Need a little line-by-line help? Check out this funny modern adaptation at Hamlet for the Shakespeare-Impaired.

The folks at This is Hamlet break it down, talk-show style.
Check out this list of actors performing the "To be or not to be" soliloquy. Which version do you like best?
Movie or TV Productions

Laurence Olivier's 1948 adaptation.

Glenn Close and Mel Gibson take on Denmark in 1990.

It doesn't get classier than Kenneth Branagh (1996).

In this 2000 adaptation with Ethan Hawke, Denmark is a NYC-based corporation.
Dr. Seuss-style, in 1995.

Dr. Seuss-style, in 1995.

This article in The Guardian asks if Batman is a Hamlet for our time. Pretty cool!

People have been trying to figure out Hamlet since at least the beginning of the nineteenth century—like famous essayist William Hazlitt.

T.S. Eliot takes on the problem of Hamlet in The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism.

For a modern take on Hamlet, here's Meghan O'Rourke arguing that Hamlet's not depressed—he's grieving.

The entire 2008 Royal Shakespeare Company production of Hamlet, with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart. Well, we know what we're doing tonight.

Sarah Bernhardt in her fencing scene. Filmed in 1899!

In this NPR segment, Hamlet goes on trial.

The entire audiobook of Hamlet—free. Results may vary.

John Everett Millais painted Ophelia in 1851-52.

Here's Sarah Bernhardt playing Hamlet, sometime between 1885 and 1900.