Hades (Pluto)'s Conversations

Can't wait for my little Sephy Bear to get back down to the world of the dead.
You could've asked first!

Wondering why I got stuck with the underworld, when my brothers got the sea and sky.
Pookie, can I borrow your Helm of Darkness for a just a bit?
Oh, jeez. If you can't trust your wife, who can you trust?
Hi, Lord Hades! Wondering if I could do a piece on the renovations to the underworld? The Wake Up Olympus viewers are DYING to see what you've done with the place.

Hey Hades, did you see The New York Times? "Pluto is Demoted to a Dwarf Planet"
Lord Hades, can you please help me seek revenge on my awful husband, Agamemnon (commander of the Greek forces)? He sacrificed our beautiful daughter Iphigenia to the gods in the hopes of getting better winds. I want him dead.
Thank you, Lord Hades.
Are you being good to my daughter? I’m watching you, Hades.

Demeter, I’m the son-in-law of your dreams. Why don’t you come spend some time in the underworld? I’ll show you just how fun it can be. Sephy Bear really fits in here.
Just make sure she’s back in time for spring, or I’ll make sure those Pomegranate trees wither up and die.
Um, yeah, me not so much.