Glengarry Glen Ross Resources

This is Mamet's website. He used to just talk about theatre and art, but he's made a political shift as of late, and he likes talking about that now, too.

Track the seemingly countless productions of the play since it opened back in the 80s.
Movie or TV Productions

This is a pretty straightforward film adaptation of the play. The one bonus is Mamet added a character when he wrote the screenplay. Alec Baldwin plays the guy who comes in from the head office whose "watch cost more than your car." It's a legendary scene, and it's not even in the play.
Articles and Interviews

This interview in The Paris Review gives a glimpse into what Mamet thinks about theatre, his own work, and life in general.

John C. McGinley of Scrubs fame talks about his role in the Broadway revival Glengarry Glen Ross.

Alec Baldwin spoofs his role in the film version of Glengarry Glen Ross (the role doesn't exist in the play). Apparently, Santa's workshop is just as cutthroat as the real estate world.

Al Pacino played Ricky Roma in the film version, and then years later took Roma to Broadway. Listen to him talk about brining Roma back to the stage.

You don't get to hear the dialogue (the language is probably a little too rough), but you can take a look at what the latest Broadway revival of the play looked like.

NPR breaks down Pacino's earnings for his stint in Glengarry Glen Ross on Broadway (hint: it's $125,000 per week).

Alec Baldwin's character isn't in the play, but he's in the movie. Also, he's awesome.

David Mamet: the man behind all that talking.

Here's the poster for the movie. That's a whole lot of famous people.