The Glass Menagerie Weakness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a big long monologue.

Quote #19

"Please, please, please, you go!"

"You’ll have to go the door because I can’t."

"I can’t go either!"


"I’m sick!" (6.51-6.57, Laura and Amanda).

Laura uses her physical weaknesses to explain her mental ones.

Quote #20

"Excuse me—I haven’t finished playing the Victrola…"[She turns awkwardly and hurries into the front room. She pauses a second by the Victrola. Then she catches her breath and darts through the portieres like a frightened deer.] (6.69, Scene Six stage directions).

Laura uses the Victrola as means to explain retreating, just as Tom uses the movies.

Quote #21

Laura suddenly stumbles; she catches at a chair with a faint moan. (Scene Six stage directions).

Laura’s fragility manifests itself physically.