
Information on the Human Genome Project includes major findings, history, goals, and discussions on the various implications and possible issues associated with the data this project has generated. No gnomes here.

This human genome site contains a wealth of information on human genetics, including topics on genetics, health, society, and recent research findings. Welcome to Wellcome!

The International HapMap project hopes to identify genes connected to human health and environmental issues.

The goal of How Stuff Works is to "demystify the world, and do it in a simple, clear-cut way anyone can understand." From Discovery communications, or the same people behind Discovery Channel. Shark Week, anyone? Anyway, check out their life sciences section.

From Pearson Education, The Biology Place offers thorough information on various biology topics, awesome simulated online labs, and problem sets that will help you ace the material. Check out the link for an X-Files-style coverage of Mendelian genetics. You can analyze crosses between different alien types to uncover the basic rules of genetics.

Try out the simulated lab using Drosophila melanogaster, or fruit flies.

Scitable is produced by Nature Education. As stated on their main page, Scitable is a "free science library and personal learning tool brought to you by the Nature Publishing Group, the world’s leading publisher of science. Scitable currently concentrates on genetics, the study of evolution, variation, and the rich complexity of organisms." You can find the latest on research, review key-concepts, and even ask experts questions.

The Dolan DNA learning Center has many resources aiming to "prepare students and families to thrive in the gene age."

Who doesn't want detailed course materials from an intermediate genetics class at North Dakota State University?

WikiGenes is a collaborative encyclopedia on genetics.

Check out peer-reviewed information on genetic diseases.

The DNA all sounds so serious. This site has tons of good information on DNA forensics.

Recovering the Romanovs: More about how mitochondrial DNA and other forensic techniques helped to solve the fate of the Romanov family (amongst other great workshops).

This is a brief biography of Gregor Mendel that puts his work into its historical context.

Here is Mendel’s original research paper, translated into English and annotated.

A site looking at the genetics of evolution, with lots of case studies, including one on lactose tolerance and one on color blindness. Watch out for a picture of John Dalton’s preserved eyes!

A rap about Mendel’s work on the height of pea plants? Yes, please.

A little song about Charles Darwin and evolution, from the wonderful folks at Horrible Histories.

Craig Venter talks about how and why his lab created a synthetic organism at TED.

How could we forget these guys?