Forrest Gump Resources

For some great high-quality clips and movie info you can whip out at trivia night, check out the official Forrest Gump presence at Paramount Pictures.

Have a look to find the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. location nearest you.

Here's your spot for all things official when it comes to the life and times of Forrest Gump.

This is the novel that the screenplay is based on. There are some major differences; there was also a bit of conflict between the author, Winston Groom, and the film's producers. Everything was settled when the producers paid Groom over $1 million for the rights to his Forrest Gump sequel. Yeah, that'll ease the pain.

That's right, folks. Winston Groom wrote a sequel to Forrest Gump, and Eric Roth turned it into a screenplay. But in the end, Tom Hanks decided not to go ahead with it. After perusing the reviews, we approve of that decision.

People magazine looks back 20 years later to see how Forrest Gump managed to leave a lasting legacy of love, laughter, and, uh, lobster-like crustaceans? Okay, so we ran out of alliteration.

By this point, you might be wondering if there's anyone out there who doesn't love Forrest Gump, and the answer is definitely yes. In this article, a New York Times reviewer talks about how Robert Zemeckis' love for special effects can't make up for his lack of storytelling ability. Ouch.

Here's what would have been whetting audiences' appetites in 1994.

In this video clip, powerhouse duo Siskel & Ebert tell us what makes Forrest Gump so great.

Who doesn't want to see Forrest running across America over and over?

Here's the audition that helped Tom Hanks win the role of Forrest Gump. Would you hire him?

All of the magic of Alan Silvestri's music can be found at the click of a button. (Pssst, we're talking about this link.)

Play this YouTube video at the same time as the movie for some running commentary you won't find on the DVD set.

The one and only "Weird Al" Yankovic gives us his own take on Gump, to the tune of "Lump" by The Presidents of the United States of America. Yeah, we got nothing.

Here's a drill sergeant telling Forrest what a genius he is for always following orders. It's probably the first and last time anyone called him a genius, so we figure it's worth a look.

Here's Forrest saying goodbye to Bubba. Hey, at least Forrest ends up with a fortune in the end.

Here's a look at the completely fictional moment when Forrest meets President Kennedy. Back in 1994, this was cutting-edge technology. Ah, the simple life!