Fire and Ice Resources


Modern American Poetry on "Fire and Ice"

Critical discussions of the poem, its composition, and its relation to Dante's Inferno.

Poetry Foundation

Includes a good, brief biography of Frost and a solid selection of his poems.

The Friends of Robert Frost

An organization created to honor Frost invites you to take a trip to visit his stone house in Vermont, where he lived when "Fire and Ice" was published.

Google Directory: Robert Frost

The most popular Web pages about Frost, ordered by Google.


Kay Ryan on Robert Frost

U.S. Poet Laureate Kay Ryan delivers a lecture on one of her great influences, Robert Frost.

Robert Frost Out Loud

A large selection of recordings of Frost's poems.

Frost Reads Frost

The poet reads his own work aloud, including the classic "The Road Not Taken," "Mending Wall," and "The Death of the Hired Man."


Robert Frost

A photographic portrait of Robert Frost.

Frost's House

The stone house in South Shaftesbury, Vermont, where Frost lived from 1920 to 1929.

Historical Documents

Frost Bouquet: Editions in English

Scanned pages from first editions of poetry collections by Robert Frost. "Fire and Ice" was published in 1923 along with New Hampshire.

"A New American Poet"

This essay by Edward Garnett published in the Atlantic magazine in 1915 helped make Frost's reputation.


Robert Frost: A Life
Jay Parini teaches at Middlebury College in Vermont and is one of the foremost Frost scholars in the country. He tries to paint a more sympathetic vision of Frost than Frost's first biographer, who kind of trashed him.