Character Analysis
What would a Harry Potter story be without Ron? Devoid of red-headed shenanigans and wit, that's what.
And Ron gets to play his part…since he's sharing Harry's book. (Because of course he is.) Just look at this note Ron scribbles on the very first page of Harry's book:
This Book Belongs to Harry Potter
Shared by Ron Weasley because his fell apart
Classic Ron.
Throughout the book, Ron adds to Harry's little notes and doodles. The two of them play hangman on the copyright page. And Ron keeps insisting on writing CHUDLEY CANNONS in all caps in the margins of the book. Harry would prefer he at least doodle the name of a decent team.
Maybe next year, Ron.
As usual, Ron is way less concerned with books and learning than either Harry or Hermione. Most of his notes involve games or jokes or sports. It's not really clear that he's actually read Fantastic Beasts. Well, maybe the entry on leprechauns (remember how Ron collected all that leprechaun gold at the Quidditch World Cup and then it disappeared? He was really bummed). But that's kind of Ron's deal. He's light on school and heavy on the goofiness.And that's kind of why we love him.
For more on Ron Weasley, try starting with our character guide on him in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.