Movie or TV Productions

"Aflame with the excitement and emotions of tomorrow!"

At one point, this was supposed to star Mel Gibson, or Brad Pitt, or Tom Hanks. Yet the Montag role is still up for grabs…

NPR’s Lynn Neary discusses the adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 with Ray Bradbury, Tim Hamilton (who is adapting the book into a graphic novel), and several others involved in past/current adaptations of Fahrenheit 451, as well as the tension between text and image in literature.

With very dramatic background music.

The man himself.

From the 1966 film.

From the 50th Anniversary Edition.

Or so the man says.

New York Times article from August, 2007.

At least look at the illustration. When someone draws you hanging out of a one-man space pod, you know you’ve made it.

Themes from Fahrenheit 451 – in cyberspace.

This is good stuff for all you fans.